
You’ve Got A Friend?

One of my favorite quotations is from Harper Lee, who wrote: “To Kill A Mockingbird.” She said, “you can choose your friends, but you sho’ can’t choose your family, and they’re still kin to you no matter whether you acknowledge them or not, and it makes you look right silly when you don’t.” Political parties …

You’ve Got A Friend? Read More »


Growing up, when someone called you something other than your given name, we usually complained, “stop calling me names.” Name-calling was usually an act of ridicule or disrespect. Feeling a bit contrarian, my focus in this piece will be about name-calling that glorifies people, groups, or concepts, in my opinion, unjustifiably. I’ll start with the …

Misnomers Read More »

When Right Is Good?

The current practice of categorizing political groups or ideologies people belong to needs a complete overhaul. We have the Right-Wing versus the Left-Wing, we have Conservatives versus Liberals, and we even have Liberals versus Progressives. Then we debate between those who support capitalism and those who support socialism. Of course, this debate centers around the …

When Right Is Good? Read More »

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